News > Search > "figurine": 70 results
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 17 days ago • July 10, 2024 • 4:33 PM
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 17 days ago • July 10, 2024 • 4:33 PM
The best summer treat! 🍉
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 30 days ago • June 27, 2024 • 10:44 AM
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 30 days ago • June 27, 2024 • 10:44 AM
The intensity of this figurine resides with the sculptor who created a bird so dramatic one can almost feel the air currents emanating from its flapping wings. When it moved to the painting studio, the artists deferred to mother nature and simply accentuated the bird's fierce yellow eyes and added liberal touches of gold to its otherwise subtle brown coloration which the artists knew would be enough to impart the appropriate regal presence for such an iconic bird of prey...Read more of post

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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 44 days ago • June 13, 2024 • 5:01 PM
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 44 days ago • June 13, 2024 • 5:01 PM
You never know what you'll find high among the branches.
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 81 days ago • May 7, 2024 • 4:21 PM
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 81 days ago • May 7, 2024 • 4:21 PM
On "National Teacher Day" we want to give an extra special thanks to this hardworking profession. 🍎
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 94 days ago • April 24, 2024 • 4:14 PM
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 94 days ago • April 24, 2024 • 4:14 PM
With the days getting longer, corralling the kids at bedtime is getting harder and harder.
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 101 days ago • April 17, 2024 • 12:39 PM
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 101 days ago • April 17, 2024 • 12:39 PM
Clearly this gorgeous bunny has been eating her veggies because her gray coat is sparkling! Aware that her herbivore diet has made her the prettiest girl in the meadow, she has added to her allure by donning a beautiful floral garland. Usually, her observant eyes would be scanning for predators but, in this case, she is simply taking in all of the admiring glances.
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 115 days ago • April 3, 2024 • 3:48 PM
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 115 days ago • April 3, 2024 • 3:48 PM
With spring slowly unfurling its green carpet, even mushrooms are taking on the pretty color of the season.
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 122 days ago • Mar. 27, 2024 • 2:00 PM
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Jim Gouldin @ Herend 122 days ago • Mar. 27, 2024 • 2:00 PM
I am coming, I am coming,
With my carpet soft and green;
I have spread it o'er the common,
And a prettier ne'er was seen.

Soon I'll spangle it with clover,
And the dandelions bright;
You shall pick them in your aprons,
Yellow, red, and snowy white.

I am coming, and the tree-tops,
That all winter were so bare,
You shall see, with small leaves covered,
Wave their branches in the air.

I am coming! Little children,
Can you tell me who am I?
If not, you ...Read more of post

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